Guidelines for Parents
- Parents/guardians are requested to pay expenses incurred in excursions and picnics from time to time.
- Parents/guardians are requested to attend the Parents Teacher meet so as to keep a track of their child time to time.
- Uniforms other than those prescribed by the school are prohibited.
- Uniforms and Books are available at the Logistic Department of the school.
- Parents are requested not to permit their wards to bring mobile, camera, walkman etc. to the school premises at any cost.
- Parents are requested not to go to the class rooms and disturb the classes.
- Parents should take the permission from office to meet the teachers.
- School rules can be changed without prior notice or reason.
- Parents are requested to pay all the fees within due dates to avoid inconvenience to your ward.
- If parents fail to pay the fees in due time the child will not be allowed to sit in the class or test /examination.
- Parents has to follow the rules & regulations of the school, designed & noticed to you time to time.
- Once the School Tuition fees paid, will not be refunded at any circumstances.