Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy

The Curriculum Framework shows the emerging student profile of SVSPM’s Jaihind Public School which ensures that every child acquires Knowledge, Skills and Values. Knowledge that goes beyond the traditional boundaries of academic learning.

Our students will gain knowledge in: Higher Order Thinking Skills – Students gain real understanding of each subject they take. This enables them to not only retain and apply but also create new knowledge and ideas from this understanding.


Students are encouraged to take up sports, not only for fitness and health but to ingrain the values of sportsmanship and teamwork.


Students will develop proficiency in one or more art forms. Entrepreneurship – Students will see the world as an owner. They’ll develop an ability to reach a goal by making choices and sequencing actions.

21st Century Skills



Critical Thinking


The Learning Environment is stimulating and sustainable, is supportive and productive to the way children learn with positive relationships with all the adults, enabling environments which includes technology and strong parent school partnerships.

Students’ needs, backgrounds, perspectives and interests are reflected in the core learning program which results in holistic child development and learning. Students are challenged and supported to develop deep levels of thinking and communication and application which results in them being active learners for life and virtuous global citizens.